Home On Campus Network Services

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Home On Campus Network Services

On Campus

Technical Services

Network Services

Keeping you connected

Whether you are on campus or away from one College has services to keep you connected to the resources you require. Internet access is just the beginning, network services allowing seamless printing and classroom services are available at all of our campuses as well. Stay connected while off campus as well with our virtual desktop infrastructure which provides a standard desktop for completing your schoolwork without the need to spend time installing all the required software.

Built on security and ease of use

From access point to the public web we take security of your data seriously. Using best in-class hardware and security best practices in our facilities is just the start. Our organization is a member of Saskatchewan CommunityNet, Saskatchewan Research Network (SRNet), and CANARIE. All of these members are security focused and provide a robust set of services.

Ease of use is key. If accessing services is difficult they may as well not exist. Tremendous effort is spent on refining a service so that the least amount of friction is experienced when trying to access it. Printing and connecting to classroom resources are easier than forgetting a dongle.

All Campuses, Connected

Backed by a Saskatchewan CommunityNet MPLS infrastructure, all our locations connect with one another. This allows us to build resiliency and standardization into everything we provide.
Horizon VDI Access: 2022

All of the software, none of the headaches

Remote Access

Our virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) built on VMWare Horizon delivers a full desktop experience inside a browser. What this means for you is the ability to access all of the required software applications without having to go through the installation procedure and worry about your computer meeting the system requirements.

For Apple Users

If you opted for a Mac laptop as part of your post-secondary journey (as many do) you may find that the software applications required in your courses are either developed for only Windows or look much different. With VDI you have direct access to a Windows machine running these software packages right from your Mac using either a browser or a client.

For Chromebook Users

Chromebooks are great for their built-in security, simplicity, and cost. This all comes at a price, the ability to run virtually any software application found on Windows. With VDI this isn't an issue, just load it up in your Chrome browser and work within a Windows environment.

Download the VDI Client for Windows
Download the VDI Client for Mac
AirServer Icon: 2022

Present with our equipment, and yours

Wireless Classroom Connectivity

Presenting is one of the primary activities that you will carry out in our classrooms. Some students prefer to bring their presentations on removable media or access it via the cloud, others are more comfortable using their own devices.

The Issue

Using your own device is a great way in ensuring that what you have to present will be carried out exactly like you want it. Issues arise when you want to connect your device to all of the classroom technologies including projector and audio. Do you have the correct dongle? Is there a place where you can plug in? These are common questions when trying to determine the requirements for your presentation and if you forget that dongle chances are that someone won't have what you need.

The Solution

Providing a wireless connectivity method for accessing classroom technologies is the best way to ensure that you can bring any device and present with it. This includes your laptop but also your phone or tablet. Wireless means you don't have to worry about dongles and using the existing classroom computer and the wireless network that you already use makes it that much more seamless.

Papercut: 2022

Print off that last minute assignment from any device

Mobility Print

Even in the digital age we live in sometimes there is still a need to print. Whether it is proof reading your assignment, handouts for students for your upcoming presentation, or it's the only way your professor accepts your essay printing is here to stay.

The Issue

Printing always seems to come with complexities. Do you have the appropriate drivers for the printer you are trying to use? Or even worse, do you have access to a legacy cable to attach to it?

The Solution

The Mobility Print service allows you to connect and print without the need for wires or drivers. Better yet, you can do it from any device. And with our NFC student cards it only takes a tap to securely release your job.

Helping you be more productive

Staff Services

Leveraging our inter-site connectivity allows our staff to be just as productive when mobile or moving from one campus to another. Also, as part of a BYOD culture we understand that you sometimes want to use your personal device to get things done.

Standardized hardware and office connectivity allow for an ecosystem of connectivity. Our offices offer standard connectivity options for your laptop. As well, building on our VOIP infrastructure with Extension Mobility allows you to make a desk phone your own with just a login.

Using your personal number for work is both inconvenient and just bad practice. With the Webex app you can take your desk phone extension with you either on your laptop or mobile phone. No need to share a different number or remembering to forward your phone, it just rings. Visual voicemail is also available.

Your work laptop comes with office connectivity built-in. A login and internet connection is all you need to connect back to on-premise and cloud resources. Single sign-on and multi-factor authentication round out the easy and secure methods of staying connected.

Made Possible by Partners

We only play a small part in making these robust network services possible. Learn more about the agency partnerships that help keep us connected and secure.

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