Home Stories Katherine Gramlich


Home Stories Katherine Gramlich



Don't write yourself off if there is something you want to try. Hard work in post-secondary education pays off.

Katherine Gramlich



Practical Nursing




Dauphin, MB


Read Katherine Gramlich's Story

Raised in Dauphin, MB but now living in northeast Saskatchewan, Katherine chose the Practical Nurse program at Cumberland College because it was close to home. After graduating in 2005, Katherine made the decision to return to school in 2018 and was happy that she was able to attend post-secondary education without having to relocate. Living and studying at Cumberland College meant not leaving her family, as well as an easy daily commute for Katherine. Katherine, who won a number of financial awards while in the program, also found the generous scholarships available at Cumberland College gave her some financial freedom. The money she won allowed her to work fewer hours, focus on studying, and spend more time with her family.

Katherine said she had a “great time” at Cumberland College. The small class size meant that the students became friends and developed a strong sense of community. She keeps in touch still with many, even though they no longer see each other regularly. Katherine also felt her instructors cared for their students and went above and beyond to support them. The lab facilities attached to the classroom ensured accessibility that Katherine thinks would not have been available in larger centers. In addition, she enjoyed the many class potlucks and the larger campus-wide potlucks which gave students from all programs an opportunity to interact.

While in Semester 3, Katherine’s class was hit with a challenge unique to the times – continuing their education during the COVID-19 pandemic. 3 weeks into the third semester, a particularly heavy semester, the students were sent home and learning continued virtually. Even with good technology and internet connections, having assignments, group work, virtual instruction, and classes online made learning more difficult. For Katherine, this was coupled with having 2 small children at home and having to balance schoolwork, work, and homelife! But Katherine is happy that she persevered, and the rewards have paid off. She now works as an acute care nurse at the Tisdale hospital, a position that she enjoys greatly.

Congratulations Katherine! Your hard work and perseverance, especially during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic has paid off, and your dedication to learning will take you far in the world of work. Thank you for choosing Cumberland College for your education.