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Home About Us Cumberland Regional College: Highlights from 2000 - 2010

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Home About Us Cumberland Regional College: Highlights from 2000 - 2010

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Highlights of the 2000's

To help deliver on a key initiative established in 2000-01, partnerships were developed with First Nations and Métis agencies to explore co-delivery initiatives. The vision over the next 10 years was to partner with many First Nation communities including Red Earth, James Smith, Kinistin, Shoal Lake, Muskoday and Little Red to deliver a variety a Basic Education, Industry Training, and Technical programs in their communities. 2001 was the first offering of Practical Nursing in partnership with the health region.

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After a successful pilot project...

in Tisdale, Learning Centers were established at all four campuses in 2001-02. Learning Centers are a merger of Community Education and Learner Services departments and provide counselors and Learning Center coordinators to our students and potential students at all locations. The College partnered with the Prince Albert Grand Council and Saskatchewan Environment to deliver Fire Fighting Certification to First Nations.

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In 2002-03...

an Older Workers in Agriculture pilot project was launched. Participants completed career plans and undertook a variety of training initiatives. This pilot was the fore runner to the Older Workers Program delivered throughout Saskatchewan. A Basic Education program was offered in Red Earth, seeing one of the highest enrollment rates for Adult Basic Education regional system wide, thus far.

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In 2003-04...

after a plan originating in 2000, the College saw implementation of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). With a fundamental shift to technology, an Educational Technology Consultant was hired to assist and educate students and staff with the ever changing technology.

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introduced an Eco Tourism program at Shoal Lake Cree Nation and a Teacher’s Assistant program at Red Earth Cree Nation. University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina continue to increase the number of web-based course offerings. Other modes of delivery for University courses include face-to-face, audio conferencing, tutor enhanced, and televised via the Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN).

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In 2005-06...

a labour and training needs assessment put focus on training needs for small businesses in the College region. This resulted in the creation of the Business & Industry department. The mandate for this department is to respond to the needs of the business and industry sectors in the region by developing programming to meet their needs. A Federally funded project called CASS (Canadian Agriculture Skills Services) had College Counsellors helping farmers with career services and learning plans. Cumberland College was instrumental in the development of this project with Saskatchewan Agriculture for implementation at all the Regional Colleges. This increased Learner Services contacts by 20% and continued through to 2007. The College increased the number of and variety of trade related training in the region. New programs offered were Carpentry, Industrial Mechanics, and Institutional Cooking.

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A focus was placed...

on Marketing in 2006-07 resulting in a new College logo. The colour combinations found in the horizontal triangles are representative of the region with blue for the expansive prairie sky which signifies endless learning opportunities, the gold for the prairies represents the rich opportunity of education and green is for growth and learning.

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In response...

to the needs of the region in 2007-08 the Applied Certificate in Welding program, in partnership with SIIT and First Nations groups, was delivered using a mobile welding lab. Three Heavy Equipment Operator certificate courses were offered in partnership with the RM of Tisdale, area farmers and the Town of Tisdale. The College purchased an additional building in Tisdale and dedicated it to Julien LeStrat. Julien was a board member from 2001-2007 who had dedicated his life to education.

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saw the first on-reserve ABE grade 12 graduation in the province. This program was located at Red Earth. Including the students from Red Earth the College graduated 59 students from the Adult Grade 12 programs in the region, an increase of 49% from the previous year and a great accomplishment. Cumberland College was the first to offer the Sask Polytech Aboriginal Police Prep program off campus. Yet another first for the College was the partnership with the University of Saskatchewan to deliver the Masters in Educational Administration program.

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Cumberland College entered into a two year agreement with the HRSDC as a partner in the Forte a la Corne Employment Development (FCED) project. The purpose of this project was to train 500 First Nations and Metis people for employment in order to meet the needs of a growing Saskatchewan economy. This agreement significantly increased the number of programs offered in 2010-2012, requiring the College to establish a second campus in Melfort. In May 2010 construction began on the new campus in Nipawin. This facility boasts 10 classrooms, including a computer lab and a shop area, and student lounge as well as offices for Administration and support staff.

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and 35 years of Service! The College has experienced great growth over the past 10 years. In 2000 our staff numbers were 53 and in 2010 they were 94. Scholarships for College students have grown from $12, 850 in 2000 to $62,000 in 2010. Computers available to students, staff and public were 134 in 2002 and 271 in 2010.

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To express the importance...

of partners to the success as a College, the Mission Statement was updated: Cumberland College, in collaboration with partners, is committed to providing lifelong learning opportunities today that prepare individuals and communities for tomorrow.